Road to Dragons (English) Wiki

History and Trivia[]

Noa's fears were replaced. After being restored by scientists, the ultimate weapon, "V", used its power to make the world a better place. That was one possible future, but back in reality, with ash falling from her blody hand, Noa shut that dream away.

Unit Data[]

368 Creation Queen Noa (1)
Number 368 Name Creation Queen Noa
Rarity ****** Weapon Rod Element Dark
Initial HP ??? Initial AT ??? Initial RE ???
Maximum HP 10551 Maximum AT 6465 Maximum RE 17054
Maximum Lv 80 Maximum Exp ???
Party Skill ???
Max Party Skill Total Recovery VI: Recoveres 12,000 HP when an enemy is defeated. (Stackable)
Max Active Skill Enemy Scan (Souls: 2): Converts user's attack type to current enemy's weakness.
Evolution From Noa the Inventiom Queen
Evolution After
Evolution Cost 1400